The First Thing Someone Sees Is Your Parking Lot, Not Your Storefront

How A Business Can Stand Out With A Specialty Solar Structure Every business wants a way to stand out, and what else can make a company show they both care about their employees, clients, and the environment than with a specialty solar structure. A parking lot is most...

New Solar Canopy Installed For Marine Corps In Quantico Virginia

Right on the heels of finishing the largest solar canopy in Hawaii, Structural Solar LLC has just completed another new specialty solar structure in Quantico, Virginia! This one is a 600KW solar canopy built for the Marine Corps in Virginia. We provided a complete...

Largest Solar Canopy In Hawaii Built By Structural Solar LLC

Structural Solar LLC has recently finished the largest solar canopy built in the state of Hawaii! This specialty solar structure is a 650 KW solar canopy built for the Marine Corps. These types of solar structures are gaining massive popularity throughout the nation...